Friday, April 9, 2010

"What a pretty dog!"

If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I could afford a lot more obedience classes! Fortunately Cane loves people and attention. He especially loves kids. During walks, we’re constantly stopped and someone says “what a pretty dog”. Most kids these days seem to have watched enough TV shows about dogs that they know to ask permission before petting a dog. When they do, Cane is happy to oblige. He generally falls over and expects a belly rub.

Once kids get their fill of petting Cane, they usually tell their parents that they want a dog “just like this one”. I laugh inside and just shake my head to let the parents know that this might not be an easy dog to care for. Don’t get me wrong. Cane can be sweet as honey and although he growing on me, he’s still a HUGE time commitment and patience tester.

Cane attracts so much attention that cars have actually pulled over during walks to ask about him. Some ask if he’s a white shepherd but a few recognize him as a husky. Occasionally when people comment on how awesome he is, I joking ask if they want him. That’s usually met with puzzled looks so I say” just kidding” even though in the early days I probably wasn’t.

We’ve had a couple people say that he’s so pretty that they want to steal him. I’ll show them where I live and tell them that one day with him and they’ll be bringing him back tomorrow. Since we’ve had him just over six months now, and he’s made tremendous progress, I guess I should knock off that joke.

As I sit here typing this, he just ran past the back door with a clump of grass in his mouth. So much for contemplating his endearing qualities. I’ll be back after I check for new holes dug and the obligatory evening walk.

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