Monday, March 8, 2010

Barking at Baby Jesus

Christmas time was fun for Cane during his walks. There were all kinds of new sights and sounds coming from neighbors’ yards. Inflatable penguins were jumping out of igloos, Santa was on a chopper and LED Christmas trees played Silent Night. All was well and peace befell the land.

However, one neighbor had to put out an illuminated nativity scene. For some reason Cane was very upset. Huskies don’t bark but Cane made a low gruff growling pseudo-bark that has never been heard before. He couldn’t pass that yard without being drug by. Daddy thought that maybe Cane was living up to his name but Momma assured us Cane just didn’t approve of Mary and Joseph having little baby Jesus out in the cold like that.

Playing on Ellie Island

By now, anyone that owns a Husky or has done any research on Huskies should know that they ARE NOT to be trusted off leash. So other than a dog park, what’s a dog got to do to get some good runnin’ time in?

If you’re near the intra-coastal waterway and the tide is right, you could find an exposed sand bar where dogs could run footloose and fancy-free. There happens to be such a sandbar in NC and Cane’s cousin, Ellie is the top dog.

This is probably the most fun place for dogs and relaxing for humans.

Sleeping in the bath tub:

At the turtle pond:

Runnin' with the pack:

Stress relief:

After a fun day:

Whoooo let the dogs out !?!?!?

Cane got to go on his first road trip at Christmas time. It’s an 8 hour trip to see G-Ma, G-Pa and Auntie Brina in NC. The trip up was great, miles of sleeping with frequent rest stops “just to be sure”.

Once we arrived Cane met his cousin Ellie the yellow lab. They had a great time playing rough together and Cane was temporarily trusted off leash as we were on an island of about 30 homes. He couldn’t go too far…

But as soon as the humans let their guard down, Cane was at the bridge. He was tracked down quickly with the use of bicycles and returned to play time but on a long leash instead.

It was lots of fun hanging out by the fire and playing with Ellie during the day but Cane didn’t like the crate time in the evening. He has no problem with the crate at home, but howled like bloody murder in his own crate at a new location. Still can’t figure that one out but the real fun for Cane was soon to come.

Momma and Daddy were getting ready for a dinner out and Cane was lying by the back door. Auntie Brina came to see if everyone was ready and Cane saw his opportunity to escape. Out the door he went. Auntie Brina and Momma went running after him. By the time they found him he had jumped the bulkhead and was in the marsh.

By the time Daddy got his shoes on and made it to the other side of the island, Cane had a small toothy monster* cornered under a dock. Daddy had to jump in the marsh as well wearing Polo slacks and what used to be nice shoes. After a few runs back and forth under the docks chasing Cane, one of Daddy’s shoes had come off. All this in 30 degree weather.

Now running with one shoe it was impossible to catch Cane and he made his way back to the cornered monster under the dock. It was feared that Cane would bet bitten and need a trip to the vet. By this time a neighbor had heard the commotion and came out to investigate. He suggested killing the monster so Daddy picked up a 2x4 and wacked the monster upside the head. The monster fell over, out cold.

Cane realized this was his chance and chomped on his enemy. The monster came back to life and went crazy but Cane was preoccupied enough for Daddy to grab him. He dropped his prey and was put back on the bulkhead where a leash was waiting.

After a good drag back to the house there was a lot of cleaning necessary for both human and Cane. The evening out was cancelled and Cane sat silently in his crate the rest of the night. There were no major injuries, just a scratched nose and a small oyster cut on his paw.

Daddy’s missing shoe was fished out of the marsh during low tide the next morning and actually cleaned up to almost new as did the pants.

*the monster was believed to be a raccoon but due to the low light he did not receive first aid for a possible concussion.

Digging/Huge paws

Husky dogs are adapted to be able to dig a den or cave to get out of the cold if need be. This means they have huge paws for their size that can be likened to snow shovels. Well, they work excellent in dirt too.

Cane’s heightened senses can detect minute sounds underground. This could be a little movement from a mole or possibly the fluid/air mixture in a sprinkler line. If Cane hears something below the grass, he will dig with a furious pace and can be elbow deep in about 10 seconds.

This is obviously not good for the backyard lawn, but worse for the sprinkler system. In an “unobserved” moment, Cane grabbed a freshly dug sprinkler line and ran with it. Since newer homes have flexible sprinkler line, he had about 4 feet of it unearthed in the time it took to cross the backyard and get him to release it.

Fortunately the local home center carries 10 foot sections of garden fencing at a decent price. They can be divided into smaller sections that are perfect for placing around sprinkler heads or commonly dug areas.

ALSO: If you read online that putting dog poop in the holes will discourage them from re-digging, be prepared for some paw washing before going back in the house.