Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ghosts in the kitchen

Occasionally there are strange sounds coming from the kitchen. Many people would believe there are ghosts in their house. Not if you have a Husky. Apparently, a favorite pastime of Husky dogs is “counter-surfing”.

Now this is not some new form of an extreme sport. Counter-surfing is the habit of exploring the food options above floor level. Huskies know that can reach anything they want. All that matters is how much effort they want to put in to it and if they make enough noise so that a human catches them in that act.

Every now and then, there are little clinking noises coming from the sink area. These usually just mean Cane is trying to pre-wash the dishes before they get loaded into the dishwasher.

Other times it may be a noise of claws-on-countertop followed by a little chomping. Sometimes however, there is no noise at all; there will just be an empty pie crust that was full a few minutes ago. Or perhaps an empty butter dish that you swear had a stick of butter on it the last time you looked.

Fortunately for Cane, there is a carpet shampooer in the house. Just because it is delicious or humans eat it, does not mean that it is meant to be digested by a dog. The result is an upset tummy and a little puking. By “a little”, I mean a pool the size of a dinner plate. Hence, the carpet shampooer.

Now Cane does get credit for attempting to head to the backdoor if he feels vomit coming. Sadly, he usually unloads before the humans can open the door. He also has managed to keep it on the linoleum a few times (thanks buddy).

Sometimes the food does make it all they way thru Cane and he gets a different kind of excitement. I will tell you now that a whole pumpkin pie will give a dog diarrhea. Poor Cane.

This is one more instance where I don’t know if you can break a Husky of a bad habit. The best method is a little prevention. Put things back in the refrigerator as soon as possible; put bread on top of the fridge so it’s a little harder to reach and keep your ears open for ghostly sounds in the kitchen.